Friday, November 25, 2011

Blogger Yg x Active & x Pasive

be'... blogger yg x active, 
coz wa jrg update blog tok...
mun dpt on9, ada la wa check-check blog tok, 
mun da idea apa mok dtulis, ada la wa tulis, 
mun da story yg menarik or da info yg best, 
ada la wa share... 

blogger yg x passive, 
passive means x active, 
but wa bukannya passive, 
wa x passive just jrg update blog, 
tpi atleast ada update jg kan? hehe

by the way, there' re somethings I want to share, 
It's a kind of blogger game..
actually, I had been tagged by some1,
so, jom!! let's start! these just for fun~

Peraturan game ini adalah seperti tertera:
1.Post these rules
2. write 7 things about yourself
3. answer the questions the tagger set for you
4.  create 7 new questions for the people who being tagged to answer
5. choose 7 bloggers to tag and link them on the post
6. no tag back

1. I' not single and always x available cause I'm taken... hahax
2. I'm not a good singer but I love to sing... hehex
3. I'm left-handed & left- footed person. (Im still eat using my right- hand)
4. I'm a TESLian. (an English teacher to be) hehex
5. I love to bully my sister although she's 1 year older than me (she's my only sibling)
6. I got 5As - UPSR, 8As - PMR, 4As, 2Bs, 4Cs - SPM
7. I had been to oversea, once (middle of 2007)

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Kak Ned gave me 7 questions to answer, so I just need to answer it right? :)

1. berapa saiz kasut korang? (5-uk, kecik x?)
2. pernah x kena maki dengan lecturer? apa perasaan? (for sure pernah, and rasa nak maki balik and explain the real situation)
3. masa kecik2, penah x main kawen2? (I guess so, with my 2 cousins and my sister)
4. pandai drive kereta ke x? (oops, 'pandai' la sangat)
5. tempat yang paling best pernah korang pergi? (Macca)
6. permainan tradisional yang paling korang suka? (guli- cause wa agak champions dlm perihal 'aiming')
7. kenal saya x? hihihi (for sure, since 04/05)


1. ada bf/ gf ke blom? nak bawa ke mana hubgn tu?
2. sapa nama bf/ gf u?
3. pernah x berkapel lebih dari 1?
4. pernah x sakitkan hati kawan, best x?
5. pernah x curi hangar/ penyepit baju d ampian?
6. pernah x guriskan hati cikgu sampai dia merajuk? how do u do that?
7. ada boxer/ sluar dlm/ spendeR wrna merah x?hihihi...

erm.. by the way, wa x tau la nak tag blooger len, but wa try dulu k.. :) hehex, so I just post it as my new entry... 



hope sudi2 lah men k..:)


  1. aku bruk pasan aie... mun la blogger tuk da noti cm fb.. haha

  2. hahax, xpa, slh 1 klmhn blog... kta kna rjin check without any notification..
