Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Price of Life
Unfortunately, some of my rants in the past would make me a hypocrite here (although not really).

My belief is that all life is precious; however, the Christian thing to believe would be to LOVE THY ENEMY!

So I have often considered the LIES of 9/11 and Iraq to understand that the destruction of our "enemies" is claiming INNOCENT PEOPLE NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE!!

People who NEVER DID ANYTHING to us!!!

It's "Al-CIA-Duh" for a REASON, folks!

Therefore, I have often raged that our "enemies" lives are PRICELESS while my feeling is that on our side -- (westerners) for allowing this MASS-MURDERING SLAUGHTER by this WAR CRIMINAL ADMINISTRATION to continue -- the lives are pretty much worthless.

And I guess the lady got it right, huh? A poor American's life is not worth 25-cents!!!!

"Ohio: Man Is Killed After Asking for a Quarter... A Cincinnati woman shot and killed a panhandler who asked her for 25 cents, the police say.

Chief Tom Streicher: “He asked her for a quarter. That’s apparently all there was to it.”

The man, Donald Francis, who the police believe was homeless, stood outside a gasoline station Monday asking people for money. The woman, Geraldine Beasley, had complained about Mr. Francis to someone else, and when he approached her, she pulled out a gun and shot him, the police said.

Mr. Francis, 44, died at the scene. Ms. Beasley, 62, was charged with murder and yesterday was ordered held in lieu of $500,000 bail (AP)."

That's your COMPASSIONATE AMERIKA for you!!!

This is GROTESQUE!!!

WHO the HELL are WE?

This is JUST LIKE MY TOWN! They just "cleared" a bunch of homeless unemployed, but WHO CARES? They are scum, right?


This just shows what a SHIT COUNTRY AmeriKa has become!

Of course, this will be used by the gun-control nuts to push legislation, but you know what, reader?

WHERE is the fucking outcry over the HOMELESS and POOR in our country?

Question, reader: What if that man was Jesus?

Would you take him in, clothe him and feed him as he asked?

Would you, Amurkn? Or would you just avert your gaze?

WHY IS THAT MAN THERE while BILLIONS upon BILLIONS are WASTED for Bush's fucking WARS?!!!!!!

And now the Minnesota delegation is saying we need a NEW GAS TAX?!

Good luck. As you will see later, Bush is going to VETO any increase in spending.


Ain't his bridge that's gonna "collapse."
Posted by Rocker at 6:03 AM
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