Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Obviously, Wikileaks just reports lies made by American diplomats.

Wikileaks is honest, the Americans aren't.Certainly more insane and outrageous than U,S, aid to one of the richest countries in the world... Israel.we're too stupid to drill our own oil and too stupid to get cheap oil from mexico. look at what a gallon of gas costs in mexico and you will puke. high gas prices is the left's way of pushing green initiatives based on the global warming fantasy. so what if the u.s. is losing thousands of jobs and people can't afford to keep warm in the winter. Chavez is smarter than we are. He know's how to drill off his shores. We won't because it's much more important to keep the liberal base happy than to be energy independent isn't that right comrade obama. The hypocracy in government makes me sick.What you are seeing is a reaction against yanqui gunboat diplomacy which is coming back to haunt the USA. Many Latin American countries would rather bite off their own noses than to let the yanqui into their countries again.
Might be a lesson there for our Middle East policies, but I doubt anyone here can comprehend it.

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