Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The whole purpose off 911 was so this crap could be going on and so that our corrupt government could have a reason to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and bomb little children in Pakistan. Think of how much money our government makes in every body sacanner put in an airport and every bomb they drop. And remember that not 1 plane hit World Trade Center 7 and it went down compliments of our government. Why didn't anyone die at the Pentagon, and why wasn't it destroyed? I don't think our terrorist government values it's citizens like it's employees.The sad thing is St. Petersburg PD is corrupt. I did security at an apartment complex and had five gunshots. They didn't even bother to show up and when I called to ask they said they don't respond unless someone has been shot because, "gunfire is routine" around there. I guess when you start ignoring problems people get hurt and they let people get away with far too much.police kill a lot of folks every year and they dont seem to be concerned what so ever. they think they are above the law. they get away with murder. so what if a few get killed, alot of civilians have died way more than cops. where is the outcry about that? ??????????????my second part reads like this,after seing cops abuse and their bosses cover up and finding them not guilty of clear abuse,their victims should start going after all the big shots also,like d.a. mayors ,police cheif;s and the rest of cover up crooks working and getting rich from taxpayers money.

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