Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Global-socialist bankers and Wall Street financiers hamper the global economy"Why are gas prices going up when oil companies bought what is being pumped at the gas station now MONTHS ago? You can't tell me they make gas that quick. Mobil, Chevron and others will report massive earnings and Obamamama will do nothing. He has the power (scary thought) to release oil and lower the prices but he won't. You can guess who wears the pants in his family.It's all about politics, more and more money. The Government can spend and create jobs that are just money laundering jobs. People are living off the government right now, getting housing paid putting up homeless shelters and doctors continue to write disabled on working people. First of all the working people can not give much more without going farther in debt. The government created this mess and as long as people pay they will continue to line there pockets. Lets scale back on government cut the governors and all office people cut there wages and lets get into jobs that were created to give money away. I am hoping the world comes to an end sooner then people think.The "oil crisis" in one word, GREED!Its not a question of how much oil we buy from Libya but how much oil does the world buy from Libya. We won't be getting that 1% and the rest of the world will be getting that other 99% from someone else that we are getting ours from so the worldwide price is going up for everyone. The answer as to why we aren't drilling for our own is because we want to use up everyone elses oil first. Then we can charge whatever we want for ours. Think $100 per barrel is high? Wait till we are the only ones that have any left. Can you say a $1000 per barrel?the only reason we are still slaves to oil is that the oil companies want it that way and have made sure they have the right congressmen in place. Having two oil men in the White House for 8 years didn't help much either.

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