Monday, March 14, 2011

speak of the ruler was convicted of kufr, then that should be taken first is hujjah enforcement, and advised him, not rebellion.
As for their excuse with hadith Auf bin Malik radiyallahu 'anhu:.
And he said to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi yours respectfully: "O Prophet! Can we fight them with swords (rebel)? "He said:" Never, as long as they still set up prayer in the midst of you! "(Narrated by Muslim, 3 / 1481, no. 1855)"That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi yours respectfully give Shari'a to his people, denying liability damages, to be realized through such challenge, a good (ma'ruf), the beloved of Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger. If ingkarul unjust result in greater damage from it, and more hated by Allah Almighty and His Messenger, then should not be done even if Allah Almighty hates this damage and the perpetrator. It is like the denial of the kings and rulers in a way to rebel, so it is really the source of all evil and slander until the end of the ... And whoever ponder what happened to (the people) of Islam, in a large variety of slander and small alike, will undoubtedly see that the cause is to ignore this principle, and not wait for the damage. so try to eliminate them, but finally it appears that greater damage from it. "(I'lamul Muwaqqi'in, 3 / 6)

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