Monday, January 7, 2013

The Assassination Of A Mossad Double Agent Who Was Connected To Lockerbie
Billionaire Ashraf Marwan Falls Off A Six Story Balcony.

A Young Ashraf Marries Nasser's Daughter

The Lockerbie Case Explodes In Israel's face
Marwan Was Said To Be Involved.

The Main Lockerbie Defendant Is Released
Ashraf Marwan Falls Off A Highrise The Same Day.

A Lot Of Coincidences
The timing, and colorful departure, of Ashraf Marwan, mimics his life. Starting as a third-rate Egyptian officer, he woos Nassar's daughter and starts his climb to power.  He quickly sells out to Israel,  tipping off the Israelis about the start of the Yom Kippur war in 1973. He served in Egyptian Intelligence, and alerted Israel to most of the Arab strategy during the 1973 war.
If he did that, then God knows what else he was involved in.

An Agent Is Used To Send A Message
Marwarn was suspected in the Lockerbie cover-up, and his assassination sends a message.

Assassinated On May 28. 2007
That is the day the Lockerbie trial verdict was tossed, called a 'Miscarriage of Justice', and the case was re-opened.

Lockerbie Trial Hoax
Israel, backed by Zionists in the US blamed the Lockerbie bombing on Gaddafi, Libya, and these two Arabs.


Almost Twenty Years Later
The trial, considered to be a Zionist Flim Flam, blows up, and the Arab is released.

The Trial Was In The Netherlands
The Netherlands is totally controlled by Zionists. Their diamond trade, ecstasy, slave running, cocaine distribution , etc. is based here.


Al-Megrahi Gets New Trial
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi, who is in a Scottish prison, welcomed the decision by the independent Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC), which found he "may have suffered a miscarriage of justice" at his 2001 trial.

Famed Mossad Informant Slips
Ashraf Marwan fell off his six story balcony

Gaddafi Is Not Surprised
Meanwhile in Tripoli, Libya Colonel Gaddafi said he wasn't really surprised because his best guess was that Marwan was the turncoat Mossad spook who had framed the Libyan Al-Megrahi for the Lockerbie bombing.


Mossad Sends A Message
Normally when they publicly execute someone, the point is to send a message. I sort of doubt anyone will be anxious to come forward on Israeli involvement in Lockerbie.

This Follows The Entebbe Revelations
On 6/10/2007, the British secret service accidentally released their confidential files which revealed that it was Israel's Mossad, working with Abu Nidal, and the PLO, that staged Entebbe.


Court Says Evidence Planted
The key evidence was a circuit board the size of a fingernail, and the court says it was planted. So now the question is: - "If Megrahi didn’t carry out Lockerbie, who did?"



Zionists Live By Their Self-Made Mystique
They peppered the Bible with fables of Abraham, lost tribes, Solomon's Temple, Masada, Samson, etc. Now, move to  the Twentieth Century and 21st Century, and you have the Freuds, Einsteins, Chess Champions, 135 average IQ, the Holocaust, Dell computer, their business wizards, etc.
But what happens when the world stops believing 4,000,000 Auschwitz Jews died in a two-car garage from bug spray? What if people talked about the 50 million killed by Bolsheviks?
I dare say between the internet, the 9/11 questions, the ability to review historical events, etc, that now is not a good time for Lockerbie to be blamed on the Mossad.

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