Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Coming Stock Implosion
Jacob "Kobi" Alexander - Head of Comverse

This Is The Same Wealth Transfer That Zionist Did In 1929

Some Other Stock Scams
Kozlowski Of Tyco
Ebbers of World Com
Jakob Rigas Of Adelphi
$400 million $3.1 billion

What Is The Message Here?
Comverse Technology was a hyped up tech company, and Jakob Alexander was a 'Krakow Swindler'. The stock market has been kept up to keep Americans happy. But we are nearing the end of the Jewish cycle of intrigue, and the final act is a nuclear event in a US city, and an economic meltdown, that gets blame on the Arabs.
He has fled to Israel, and no one will dare say boo. Iran is the final act before the collapse, and that can't be too far in the distant future.


What Did Alexander Do?
He predated his stock options so he could sell early. Why? Who knows, maybe there is some bad stock news, maybe there is a pregnant babysitter, or maybe he knows something about an Iran attack.

Overpriced Stock
The stock sells at 60x earnings, but who knows how much Alexander fudged the books.



Alexander's Compensation
He took about $300 mill since 1999

How Stocks Are Valued
If the first 999 shares were bought for a $1, and the 1,000th share was bought for $10,000, the brokers tell you all of the shares are now worth a $10,000 each.
  Total shares 1000 shares
All that went in is $10,999, and that's all that can come out. The $10,000,000 number is a hoax.
  Last share price x $10,000
  Company value $10,000,000

Other Stock Swindles
All you will hear about is the major ones like Enron, Tyco, Rite Aid, Health South, etc. There are countless smaller swindles, because of the people involved.
In New York there is an estimated $20 billion in Medicare fraud, but no one is convicted.

Presently Kobi Alaxander Is In Nambia
In 2006 Interpol arrested Kobi, and within hours the Nambia government gave him boil. He now sits in his seaside mansion, and the earliest extradition date is three years way. 3

Kobi Is Suing Comverse
Despite fighting extradition to the United States, Alexander announced on January 28, 2008 that he has filed suit against Comverse. Alexander claims the firm owes him $72 million in severance, unexercised stock options, and bonus pay.  7

This Is Just Another Zionist Scam
They bought their stocks for $2 and they will sell them for $200. The money will come from IRAs, 401-Ks, and millions of little investors. The history books will say an Iranian attack caused the collapse.
Christopher Bollyn wrote an interesting article on Alexander's military connections, Odigo, and 9/11.

Oklahoma City Bombing
Natalee Holloway
Red Lake

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