Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Lost Tribes of Israel – Myth or a fact

According to this Jewish source, there are 13.5 million Jews in the world. The largest numbers of Jews live in the US, followed by Zionist Israel, Russia, Canada, Britain, Ukraine, Argentina, Germany, Islamic Iran, Panama, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, Yemen, and Syria. However, the Zionist rabbis for their quest to find more people to displace native Muslim and Christian Palestinians – have found members of the so-called The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel in strange places like, South India, Occupied Kashmir, Afghanistan (Taliban), Peru, Ecuador, Japan, Burma, etc.
Former member of a Jewish terrorist group and later elected to Israeli parliament, Uri Avnery, wrote an interesting article, published in ‘Counter Punch’ on October 11, 2002 – regarding the conversion of a group of native Americans in Peru, who were later air-lifted to Israel and settled on land stolen from the Native Arabs.
According to Biblical accounts, the prophet Jacob, whose other name was Israel, had 12 sons – but Jewish history always mentions the “Ten Tribe of Israel”, which show its racism, because Jacob’s second wife, who an outsider, gave birth to two boys, Yusuf (Joseph) and his younger brother, Benjamin. However, in 1970s, Israeli rabbis were able to convert 5,000 members of Christians of Benei Menashes living Manipur (India) – claiming they’re the lost children of Joseph’s son Menashe! Many of those converts have been brought to Israel and settled on Arab land.
The so-called “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel” are – Reuben, Simon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim, and Manasseh. They lived in Kingdom of Israel, which was ruled by one of the two sons of King Solomon and broke-away from the Kingdom of Judah, ruled by the other son, after the death of King Solomon, who was the ruler of the Kingdom of Judea and Samara. In 722 BCE, the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assaryians under King Shalmanester, who took tens of thousands of Jews as slaves and brought them to his Kingdom.
During the 10th century, Turk Khazar tribes converted to Judaism, and most of them settled in various European countries after the fall of Khazarian Empire. These people have no connection, whatsoever, with the The Lost Tribes of Israel.

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