Thursday 15 August 2013

Ikhwan Muslimin Rock & Roll - 300 Dead In Egypt, Baradei Quits

Ikhwan Muslimin Rock & Roll - 300 Dead In Egypt, Baradei Quits

Pro-Mursi supporters flee from tear gas and rubber bullets fired by riot police during clashes in Cairo.
  • Egypt seethes under curfew after hundreds killed
  • authorities forcibly broke up supporters of Islamist President Mursi 
  • worst nationwide bloodshed in decades.
  • sit-ins had become hub of Muslim Brotherhood resistance 
  • 300 killed, 2,000 injured 
  • Brotherhood said 2,000 people had been killed in a "massacre." 
  • government declared month-long emergency and dusk-to-dawn curfew 
  • Vice President El Baradei resigned in dismay at the use force 
  • Islamists staged revenge attacks torching churches, homes and business 
  • Churches were attacked in Minya, Sohag and Assiut 
  • Mursi supporters clash in Alexandria, Minya, Assiut, Fayoum, Suez, Buhayra and Beni Suef provinces.
  • Islamist militants have staged almost daily attacks in Sinai Peninsula 

The Egyptians need the same thing that we need here - modern and progressive thinking.  Just like here, every other Egyptian is now a pseudo-ostat. The Muslim Brotherhood wears beards and robes. The non-Muslim Brotherhood may not wear beards. Other than that they are pretty much the same. 

The same thing here. You dont need to join PAS to be a religious cuckoo. The UMNO boys are now becoming worse than PAS. Your comments (yes you) about the recent Buddhists "meditating" in the surau is evidence enough that the link between the asylum and the inmates is actually quite mental. Serupa saja.

Egypt will rock and roll because they cannot think progressively. They are not modern. They are not relevant.  We are not that far behind.

Then on top of that we have the cronies, the racists, the corrupt, the con-sultans, the mamaks, the back door guys, the cameo actors - all with no skills or ideas but wanting to put their finger in the Treasury. We are doomed.

Lets keep watching Egypt. The rock and roll is just starting.

Here is that old video that I have played before. This is an Algerian author - Anwar Malek. Bear in mind that this video was made in 2009, two years BEFORE the Arab Spring. 

What he says is so relevant especially in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Syria today.

Conclusion : Jangan bodoh sombong. Be humble. Lower your voice. You cannot split the mountains.

Here is the Prophet Luqman advising his son in the Quran.

31:17 "O my son, you shall uphold the salat. You shall advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and remain steadfast in the face of adversity. These are the most honorable traits."

31:18 "You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earthproudly. Allah does not like the arrogant showoffs.

31:19  "Walk humbly and lower your voice - the ugliest voice is the donkey's voice.

There is only one problem here - the Quran is only for those who believe.

source : OutSyed The Box

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