Monday, November 21, 2011

I am Cuban, that is to say, I live inside a communist, supposedly "murderous" regime, violator of human rights, and oppressor of all freedom of conscience. I know great part of the history of the communism in China, the old Soviet Union, and other nations because, contrary to those that live in the capitalist societies, us the oppressed ones for the regime "Castro supporter" we HAVE the opportunity to study the opinions of both parts in conflict. The same fact that I can write and commenting in this page denies completely the absurd accusations made against the regime of my country. We are very far from perfection, and we don't have the same freedom to express us openly like it exists in the United States. But I’m for sure if our country was not constantly attacked by the government from the United States, in its multiple intents to "help us" to reach a true democracy (although right now escaped from my mind the relationship existing among the many human and animals illnesses that CIA has introduced in my country and the true democracy. Not I know how forcing hunger, necessity and provoking the death or damages to the health of thousands and thousands of Cuban, impeding them -because of the economic seizure, since they don't like the word blockade- the access to medications, medical equipment, trade of foods at the same price that for the rest of the world, it can help to reach a more perfect democracy, exception made for the fact that in a cemetery all the present will agree with oneself approach without spirits of protesting. But I assume my ignorance and inability of relating a criminal and aggressive politics with a true democracy to the brain laundry and the political drug addiction of masses to that they have subjected me in Cuba); I repeat, I am for sure if my country was not constantly threatened, attacked, blocked, and limited internationally, we could express ourselves more freely. Don't you believe me? Remember how many freedoms you have seeing evaporated in the United States after the 11/9, and it was for a single attack that it caused three thousand deaths! What do you think happens in my country after more than 50 years of aggressions? When a country is under aggression, anything that weakens its defences can be considered, from a military concern, a kind of betrayal. Let Us return to Viet Nam. Many of those that have exposed their opinions outline that the USA in fact fought to defend freedom, against the advance of the totalitarian communism who imposed its approaches and political to any price. How interesting speech! USA maybe was not about imposing in Viet Nam, to any price that was necessary, its approaches and political? They accuse the communists of killing to thousands of people, Didn't they provoke the death of millions? They speak of thousands of people who escaped from the communist regime from the North, without taking into account that many of these thousands that escaped were still the same ones that had supported previously the French in their colonialist intentions, against their own nation, many of these were proprietors to whom had been removed their properties off and for being distributed among the people (I want to point that I am not approving this practice, and the fact that I can express it openly is another evidence that in my country we can speak freely, inside the logical frames). It is certain that we don't see to thousands of people escaping of the United States because exists in that nation a oppressor regime (I don't know, in fact, anybody that wants to escape from the USA). On the contrary, are hundred of thousands that every year wants to enter to the country of the democracy, coming from Mexico, Peru, Cuba, Haiti, Bolivia, Honduras, and many other underdeveloped countries… Wait a moment, are not North American the companies that during more than one century have exploded and impoverished to those same nations? Has the government from the United States been NOT the one that prepared and builds the skills of paramilitary, dictators and tyrants in The School of Las Americas? Was not the United States who imposed and sustains, as still make it, the governments of facto, dictatorial and murderous, in almost the whole world? Now I start understanding why so many thousands want to leave their countries. Viet Nam has made, being a tiny country, of scarce population, what the United States of America have not had the brave to make. They had the value to forgive, of forgetting and of beginning again. The USA complains that in Cuba were confiscated them properties and stole from them. How much can they have lost in economic terms? In human terms? (Please, neither I do want to remember that they stole those properties from the Spaniards, and that the Spaniards stole them from our natives, so legally, we alone recover what was our from the beginning) But, how much did Viet Nam lose in economical terms? How much is that in comparison with what the USA lost in Cuba? How much did Viet Nam lose in human terms? How much is that compared with what the USA lost in Cuba? I honor the brave that fight with honor, for a cause that they believe noble, and as such I honor to the dead in the war of Viet Nam, for both sides. But from there to swallow that it was a war fair and good… Please, we are no longer children, neither have we believed in fairy tales. Bigger honor deserves the nation of Viet Nam. And bigger still those that recognize that the war lacks sense totally, and they lift its voices and (naked) arms to defend the peace. From an “anonymous” Cuban.

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