Monday, December 3, 2012

The Taliban And Zionist Opium

Taliban Ruler Mullah Mohammed Omar
He was a teacher at a Islamic seminary, in Quetta

The Taliban Took Over Afghanistan In 1996
They wanted Islamic rules and values

Kabul Is The Capital

Opium Production In Afghanistan
The Taliban Threw Out The Zionist Drug Lords And In 2001 The Opium Stopped

Opium Is The Real Reason We Are In Afghanistan
In 1996 the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, where 95% of all the world's opium originates. Opium contributes half of the $500 billion dollar drug trade. The Taliban kicked out the Drug Lords, and that's why we invaded.

The Taliban Movement
They are Sunni Islamic Nationalists, which is a basic religious rule. They controlled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
The Taliban's Rule
Taliban was a strict religious form of a constitution. They eliminated the Zionist influences out of the school system, ran them out of the government, and went back to the Islamic ways.
They strictly enforce theft, violence, and family values. Banks, usury, business dealings were highly regulated. The Muslims were sick of seeing the results that Zionist television, and music, on their children.
Things, such as gay marriage, rap, Madonna, weren't their cup of tea.
Why Did We Invade Afghanistan?
God told George Bush: -  "Osama Bin Laden orchestrated 9/11 from a cave in Bora Bora, and Mullah Omar was Osama's friend. Go bomb Afghanistan, and bring democracy".

Bush Installs Hamid Karzai
Karzai is pro-Zionist, and is said to be of  Jewish blood. He is a favorite Zionist speaker.
American Dead
There are 398 dead, and 900 wounded.
Afghanistan Location
It is the back door to Iran, and also has oil.

We Are Dying For Zionists
Afghan is just another link for the control of the Mideast. Zionists already control Russia, Turkey, Saudi, Iraq, Jordan, etc. The only real independent states left  are Iran and Syria.
If we are going to die, then lets take these neocon's 'Hatchlings' out of Harvard, Yale, Brandies, Penn State, and let them make up the spearhead battalions into Iran. Maybe we will finally see some Star of David tombstones in Arlington.

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