Wednesday, December 19, 2012

There Could Be Up To $1.5 Billion At Stake Here
Anna and her lawyer Stern


Anna Nicole Smith
Anna Nicole Smith was born Vickie Lynn Hogan, and grew up in a small Texas town.  She was a waitress when she met her first husband, Billy Smith, who was the father of her son. In 1989 she meets Howard Marshall II, who she marries in 1994.
It was after her marriage to Marshall that Lawyer Stern latches onto her.

James Howard Marshall II
Marshal a university professor turned oil magnate, and part owner of Koch industries, is a billionaire. He has two sons, he disinherits one, and the other one opposed Anna Nicole, but recently died. Nicole is basically a friend for three years, he wants to provide her with some security, and she finally agrees to marry him
At The Supreme Court
Smith is awarded a judgment by a state court, it is reversed by a higher court, and winds up before the U.S. Supreme Court. At stake is the half-billion dollars from oil tycoon Howard Marshall. The issue the Supreme Court is considering specifically involves federal vs. state jurisdiction over bankruptcy law.
The Billionaire's Son
Nicole's main adversary, E. Pierce Marshall, dies in 2005. This strengthens Stern.
G. Ben Thompson
A North Carolina developer, Thompson gives Nicole a mansion in the Bahamas.
Minister of Immigration  Shane Gibson
It's assumed that Stern arranged Nicole's Bahamian citizenship through Gibson.


Daniel Smith
Nicole's son, who was not a drug addict, tragically dies in a hospital in the Bahamas. He was on Zoloft for depression, and mysteriously obtained methadone, the combination killed him.
Lawyer Stern had the Bahamians perform the autopsy, and hired famed Jewish pathologist, Dr. Cyril Wecht, verified it.

Stern Becomes Legal Guardian Of Anna's Daughter
With the sudden death of Anna Nicole Smith, Howard K. Stern has already assumed the title of "legal guardian" of Anna Nicole Smith's 5-month-old daughter Danielynn, according to Bahamas law.
The law states, "On the death of the mother of a child, the father, if surviving, shall, subject to the provision of this Act, be guardian of the child, either alone or jointly with any guardian appointed by the mother. "

Bahamas Birth Certificate
Smith named Stern as the father on Danielynn's Bahamian birth certificate.
Birkhead has filed legal papers in Los Angeles, asking a judge to order a paternity test.
Good Lawyer Stern There When The Son Dies
Nicole's mother said. "I had a daughter and I had a grandson. He was there when both of them died. Now I only have a granddaughter left, and now he has her, and I'm afraid for her."
Good Lawyer Stern With Anna 
On Thursday afternoon, Smith's bodyguard ran in the building and to the elevator. "A few minutes later Stern ran out of the elevator to the front desk. He was frantic."

Stern went back upstairs, and minutes later, paramedics arrived. 

Judge Refuses DNA
A Los Angeles judge on Friday refused to order an emergency DNA test on the remains of Anna Nicole Smith.
This benefits Stern.
The Autopsy
Dr. Joshua Perper, a Russian immigrant, and the Broward County medical examiner, did the autopsy.
Attorney Fights DNA
Ron Rale, an attorney to Stern and Nicole is fighting the DNA testing of Miss Smith's corpse.
Stern Has Nicole's Baby
Lawyer Stern, and  Shane Gibson, the minister of immigration, have taken the baby to the actresses’ Bahamas beachfront mansion, in the  in a heavily guarded motorcade. The Bahamas official have told Nicole's mother, Vergie Arthur, she has no right to the baby.
Lawyer Stern Cries
Abbie Stern brings Izzie Marks, the producer of the TV show ET, who witnesses Abbie break down with tears of joy. Stern says he knows Anna Nicole is in heaven with her son Daniel, and his job as 'father' is to protect the baby from the evil grandmother.

Lawyers, Money, Zionists, And Coincidences
Just pretend this wasn't a string of coincidences. Who is going to press the case on Abbie Stern, and his possible nefarious acts. Will the Zionist press, fellow lawyers, a Zionist judge, etc?
Maybe it's Stern's love for the baby, but then again, maybe Abbie knows a little more about the inheritance case than the rest of us.

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