Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Islam and Secularism

In Islamic faith – Secularism is as much an alien ideology as Communism, Nazism, Facism, Capitalism and Zionism. All these ideologies teach majority to be at the mercy of a small minority elites (the Authority) - whereas, Islam expects humanity to be free of all authorities with the exceprion of the Creator, Allah (swt).
According to Webster dictionary, secularism is defined as – “A system of doctrines and practices that rejects any form of religious faith and worship.” Secularism demands the separation of the Church from the functions of a government, especially the education system. If one go by this definition – then, like democracy (the rule of law governed by the majority of citizen), doesn’t exist in any western country, which pay lip service to both of these ideologies. The governments still fund religious education, politicians take oath on Bible, and all Judeo-Christian religious days being declared national holidays including weekends, Saturday (Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (Christian Sabbath).
Both Jews and Christians can accept secularims without any religious ramifications – as their religions are based on certain race or tribe, and have no divine Shari’ah to follow. In fact – The New Testament itself divide its followers’ lives into two parts – “Render unto Caesar things, which belong to Caesar, and render unto God things which belong to God,” (Matthew 21:22).
What makes Islamic Shri’ah the most feared legal code – is because, it forbid some the laws, which secular societies love to practice. For example, secularism makes adultry lawful if the male and female are consenting adults; Riba (Usury) is the backbone of all financial institutions of a secularist society; alcohlic consumption is allowed in secular societies, and so is consumption of pork.
Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi has discussed this matter in detail in the article, entitled Secularism.
The Zionist-controlled western governments, Jewish Lobby groups, Judeo-Christian philanthropists, Evangelist organizations and western Christian missionaries are spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year to attack every possible fabric of Muslim societies – through foreign aid, foreign scholaships, peacekeeping forces, Hollywood, TV, mass-media, NGOs, and the so-called westernized “Muslim intellectuals”. One of such group, “Institution for the Secularization of Muslim Society”, held a conference in association with the well-known “Islamophobics” western group, “The Intelligent Summit”, in February 2007.
This group of “Muslim secularists”, in The St. Petersburg Declaration (April 5, 2007) has demanded changes in centuries-old Islamic thoughts, such as:
1. No Shari’ah law or fatwa courts or clerical rule or penalities for blasphemy or apostay.
2. Criticing and condemning Islamic religious practices – is not “Islamophobis” or racism or colonialism.
3. No to sexual and gender minorities (gays and lesbians) from persecution and violence.
4. No to sectarian education which teaches intolerance and bigotry toward non-Muslims (Ameen to that!).
5. Islam should be freed from its captivity to the totalitarian ambitions of power-hungry men and the rigid strictures of orthodoxy (Saudi Arabia or Islamic Iran, perhaps!!).
6. Islam has a “noble” future, if it becomes personal and do-away with politics.
Interestingly, while the celebrated “self-hating Muslims”, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Tawfik Hamid, Wafa Sultan, and several less known were the signatory of this “Declaration” – the names of Salman Rushde and Canadian lesbian “Reformer”, Irshad Manji, were missing!!
Dubya Bush’s January 2001, “Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives”, is another deceptive move to attack Islamic principles – in order to make Islam copliant to western man-made moral, economic and political doctrines.

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